Tuesday, August 28, 2007

sit and stare

I realized driving today that not only is my life very routine for the most part (which I don't mind terribly), I live the day through a series of screens (or conceptual screens). Wake up, look at my oatmeal cooking through the microwave window. Drive to work viewing the world through my glass window (Driving is almost like watching TV sometimes to me, just kinda going along). Get to work, see the world and, for the most part, my position in life as an employee, through my computer screen. Drive back home, watch the news or more likely Seinfeld at the gym, go home, watch things through the oven, then sit and watch TV. Not to mention every time I check/use my cell phone. Kinda weird if you think about it; always seeing things through something else.

Friday, August 24, 2007

free market!

This is very interesting; I've certainly noticed the "UL" on product labels, but never considered what it meant. What a genius company.


Thursday, August 23, 2007

salad daze

The best salad I've ever made (that was also my lunch):
Mesclun greens
fresh blueberries
almonds (toasted a bit)
blue cheese
olive oil & balsamic vinegar

For some reason I'm not as sure about the dressing... may need some tweaking. Also, must be a bombshell of antioxidants. Yeah!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


So, this case against a man who brutally beat and killed dogs (not even PEOPLE; seems to be more outrage about animals most of the time) is already being labeled as a race case. What the hell?! It's not like he could have been framed; he admitted to it, there's a LOT of physical evidence, and even his friends bailed on him.

This weekend was really, really great. Hope and I did our plans, Sun Studio is very cool. Turns out my grandfather's friend designed the logo...some time ago. Learned some cool stuff. Then we ate Indian food. Blues on the Bluff was cool too, I felt much better than last time and was actually able to help this time (last time I felt like I was pretty much standing around for the most part). Michael and I watched a movie, Delicatessan; VERY weird. Even by my standards. It's post-Apocalyptic France, and in a little suburb separated from the city, a group of people are confined to their apartment building. The rest of the country is resorting to cannibalism, so everyone is terrified of leaving. But, the cruel delicatessan is killing off his weaker tenants and selling their meat (everyone is aware of what's going on). And so on, weird movie.

Sunday we went downtown and drank a lot during the day, which always seems like a good idea. Then we rode the Ducks and got a tour of the city, which was fun even though most of it is pretty everyday for us. Then dinner at my parents', then SUPERBAD, which was very funny. I highly recommend it.

Friday, August 17, 2007

shiny happy people

http://www.mises.org/story/2670 excellent point, as always.

Today is a very slow day. I can't really complain; I plan on working on Atlas Shrugged a bit. ALWAYS great. I can't say enough about that book. Michael and I are trying to go to the gym today (it's tough to go on Fridays), and then we have a dinner date. Rachel has gone to St. Louis to visit Hurricane Harbor; I SO wish I could have gone. Best place to be in this heat.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

They'll Need a Crane

I am GOING to have a website. I don't care HOW painful it is, it's about time I conquer this fear of web design and get the fuck over it. I'm not too stupid, I should be able to figure it out, right?

This week has been fairly painless, actually. Kinda nice, time is on my side. At least relatively. It's been rockin' living with Rachel. And-- I think she and my friend are getting along swimmingly, not sure if they're an item though. I love it.

So far I've spent the morning adding music to iTunes. And resisting the urge to buy out Amazon.com's music dept. WHICH I cannot do. This weekend is Hope in Memphis weekend--Sun Studio/India Palace/India Fest '08 and Blues on the Bluff Pt. 2 on Saturday. Sunday is riding the Ducks and going to see SUPERBAD, which should be superAWESOME.

Monday, August 13, 2007

my job

is just like this:


I did nothing all weekend. VERY lazy. It was also about 103 degrees Fahrenheit for the last 4 days.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

fantastic links!

jenstark.com & cottonmonster.com

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

a preliminary?


The show. was. amazing. Not EVEN exaggerating a bit; we met up with Joe and Lloyd and got drinks (big, BIG drinks) and made it there right as the opener was finishing and before it got too packed in. They rocked SO hard, we were all loving it. Good times. Then afterwards, I was convinced (easily) to go out on Beale, which was lethal, but did it anyway. I paid for it last night and so far today! The time is passing very, very slowly, and I feel flattened. Dinner with Michael's family tonight! I hope to impress them with my bloodshot eyes and raspy voice. Although I won't be able to hear them anyway due to the ringing in my ears. ROCK & ROLL!

here's a kittie from Sarah's house.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


This must be what the inside of my mind looks like at 4pm when I'm desperately ready to leave work. I would've expected much duller colors. Kinda looks like a planet or a Tide ad.
Driving home last night, I got a desperate call from my sister telling me to go to the FedEx forum RIGHT NOW--they were giving away the last pair of tickets to Justin Timberlake. I made it home, skipped the gym, and after a long argument involving my sister dad AND mom made it down there. They did the drawing, picked no less than 4 entries (you had to be there at 7 to accept if you won). All H names; my sister was freaking out. We didn't win, but we stayed home and watched Grandma's Boy and drank lemonade cocktails. By no means a dissappointing night!

And TONIGHT is Queens of the Stone Age. Way psyched. I'm feeling pretty good at work today, so I really hope that this translates into an exploration day into new design tools and tricks.

THIS is infuriating. http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/08/07/terrorist.surveillance.ap/index.html?iref=mpstoryview

Monday, August 6, 2007

let's just say...

...you are not the destroyer!

I can't believe how much I've slacked on this. Boo for me. Harry Potter was fantastic, I went through it in roughly 18 hours. Beautiful. And now I'm feeling very choked up every time something Harry Potter related comes on TV or interweb. I also found a great band, Harry and the Potters, that is two guys around my agge who are the official founders of Wizard Rock.

My BFF has moved in with me! It's been about a week now, very fun. She's the most considerate person I've ever met, I aspire to be that way towards others. Tomorrow night we will be attending Queens of the Stone Age at the New Daisy. I've been waiting several years to see them, and now I'll have my chance! And then Harlan T Bobo and Daniel Johnston on Thursday. A very sleepless and expensive week. Tonight, Mr. Justin Timberlake is performing at the FedEx Forum, and I'm really, really, VERY sad that I cannot attend. It 'll be spectacular, I'm sure. Very $$$ though. Rachel and I will watch Grandma's Boy and make jewelry instead for consolation.

Work is about the same, I'm terribly unmotivated and fairly dissappointed in myself. I need to branch out. I had a terrible freelance experience this past few weeks with a certain mayoral candidate that ended badly (not her fault, more so on her coordinator). I was hoping that it would be my breakout into Memphis freelance.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


...and only one more day until the long-awaited book!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


So I had this dream that my sister and I were in a beach house, and she had kind of acquired a jaguar. He just kinda hung out, didn't do much of anything. Very odd. However, I do have a black cat... maybe she's manifesting her self-image through my dreams.
I went to Atlanta on my first business trip! I left with my co-designer on Thursday, and we cut it very close with our time. But everything went ok, and we got there on time. My director took us to lunch at a very nice Italian restaurant there, and that night we had a party for the opening of our new showroom at the Atlanta mart. WHICH is an enormously huge complex, by Friday evening my feet were suffering. Then my flight home got cancelled and through a difficult series of events, I got home Saturday morning. My wonderful boyfriend picked me up VERY early on a Saturday, which was really sweet. After a good long nap through the middle of the day, my sister and I got ready for 311 at Mud Island, went for giant beers with an old friend and fellow 311 devotee, and then finally met up with my best friend. It was fantastic.
Now it's back to work. I'm getting some opportunities at WEVL to fool around with some graphics, and I want to take advantage of that as much as possible!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

hissing fauna...?

I case you can't see it, this is a very sad story about a horribly abused little boy. However, the ad placements around it make for an interesting match. Weight Watchers next to dinner recipes is bad enough, but mixed into a story about starvation!? Ridiculous.
Tomorrow's the big day! For movie geeks. Like me. I'm almost done rereading the book, its pathetic how much I don't remember. I'll finish it at work today and start #6 tonight, I'm on a roll. And 311 this Saturday? Splendid. I also just recently found out that Queens of the Stone Age will be coming, and I've been wanting to see them forever! Forever being as long as I've listened to them. Thursday I'll be heading to Atlanta, so there's a lot to do between now and the weekend!

Here are some good links:
http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/law/07/10/reluctant.juror.ap/index.html At least he's honest!
http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/law/07/10/reluctant.juror.ap/index.html I really like what this article sums up, aside from the fact that Dr. Block is awesome.

Friday, July 6, 2007


WOW am I excited for this movie. Not to mention the book, which may merit a fairly emotional response. I'm unbelievably psyched. And I can't imagine that any of it will end well for Harry.

I realized that my little cat isn't just a little bitch, she's actually been sick for a bit. Poor little thing. I took her to the vet, which is poorly times due to my financial situation, but can't be helped. Things aren't terrible at work, so I can actually leave a little early, which is always exciting to me! Next week this time I'll be in Atlanta, and getting ready to come back to Memphis! I'm very interested to see what a trade show and marketplace is like, and not at all sad that I won't be there long.

Not much going on this weekend that I know of... mostly preparing for the trip and NOT spending anything I don't have to. Works for me, I've got the rest of the Order of the Phoenix to reread by Wednesday!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Happy Birthday to me!

Yesterday I turned 23! And it was a great birthday. I went to work, as usual. I hadn't told anybody really, I didn't want to be obnoxious. However, my friends at work must've remembered because they brought me cupcakes complete with candles! Then I went home and took my boyfriend and roommate over to my parents house where we stuffed ourselves to death. Then back to my house for a rousing game of Scrabble and Monopoly, in reverse order. I'm so terrible at board games, I'm more interested in changing the music... WHICH was my bf's contirbution; a copy of every cd he has!! I told him not to get me anything, and that was so thoughtful and awesome. Now I have all the White Stripes! And Abita from my gracious roommate. It's been a good year-- tough-- but good. This birthday was very different from any other one, in that I am employed full time, have a boyfriend, and on good terms with everyone. And I will be attending 311 next month, courtesy of my sister!


Friday, June 22, 2007


SO this couple in New Hampshire (I'm pretty sure) has decided that they refuse to pay taxes. They're refusing to leave their house and are being monitored (aka under the gun) by the Feds for a little bit now, and surviving off of food brought by friends. The entire news story on CNN protrayed them as disruptive crazy people who are hiding because they're too stupid to just suck it up and pay their taxes. Neighbors commented on them rudely, and all because these people have decided that they don't WANT to give away the money they've earned to a bunch of bullshit. It makes me so angry, the words "ranting" and "irrational" kept coming into use. Now, it DOES seem like some of the other topics of discussion were a little...weird. But damn I'm with them on the taxes. The Feds also got praise for handling the situation so well, as in NOT killing the people. A total propaganda piece.

I feel pathetic because my wrist and shoulder are getting so messed up from using a mouse. My wrist feels really weak. Hmmmm. I'm so psyched its the weekend though. Looong week.

Monday, June 18, 2007

good lord

Well last week was an eventful one...in that I got in the biggest fight of my life with my roommate. I think stress on both of us and just general tension came out in a particularly hurtful and ugly way. It makes me sick as hell and feeling physically dirty. HOWEVER, I think it's ok now. Ugly and hurtful, but smoothed out a little at least.

Work's been odd; lots to do and an enormous amount of disorganization. It makes me want to be a control freak and get everything in order. A lot of jobs for a lot of people, and none of them realize they're not the only one. Oh well, that's being on the bottom of the company I guess. Not forever though.

A week from now I'll be 23. Wahoo! If only I'd known how much fun being poor, bored, and stressed. But--it's been a pretty happy year. I'm with the one I love, and he loves me, and everyone's been pretty healthy, and I've made big steps for my career (and MAJOR steps back for my social life). Rachel and I tried to eat cherry bombs at the Deli (maraschino cherries in everclear) Saturday night, and realized that we've gotten older and less party-girl. Damn. Ooh, and Rogue Wave is on the radio... sweet.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

sister's birthday

Yep, she's 19. Justin sends his best wishes, in reference to his classic hit, "Damn Girl." I gave her a pretty sweet watch. Work is work, it hasn't let up much. I like being busy, it's the disorganization and time wasting that drive me nuts. I can't stand wasting time!! There's not enough of it to begin with!

Friday, June 8, 2007

long time gone

Yeah, it's been awhile. Not like it matters, but as predicted, the catalog took over for quite some time. AND--everything that could've gone wrong pretty much did. I mean it. And all the nights spent working at home (sans overtime pay) pretty much ended up being worthless. But I can't dwell on that, can't do anything about it now! When that thing is handed to us, I'll be so happy. And then I'll shelve it and probably never look at it again.

Not sure if anything is going on this weekend, other than Michael & my's canoe trip on Memorial Day and Hayley & Adam's wedding, nothing much has happened. Now that Hope's back, some plans can be made sortof. Free time is good.

Friday, May 18, 2007


Oh, Drew, another poignant message.


It's officially catalog season. Work has REALLY picked up, and it's hard to know where we are with our deadlines. There's a lot of feeling in both directions regarding that. But whatever, I'll do as much as I can here and hopefully be ok.

This weekend is BBQ Fest! I'm SO excited, my bf doesn't have to work this weekend at the restaurant, so I don't have to wait until 11pm to see him. I plan on eating an inexcusable amount of bbq and LOTS of beer. But I'd like to avoid hangovers or blackouts, so maybe not quite that severely. Also, his mom will be there, and I don't need her thinkin' I'm a floozy.

Monday, May 14, 2007


My sister and I went to go see this Friday. The predessessor, 20 Days Later, was probably the scariest movie I've ever seen. Any type of zombie flick scares me shitless, and I spent the entire 2 hours in the theater covering my ears and eyes. And I'd been the one to convince her to go. This time around we both wanted to go, and I was wondering what the hell I was doing there about 10 minutes into the movie. But--it wasn't too terrible, there were some really horrific scenes in it. And some pretty implausible things. I hope to god zombies or mass disease like that ever happen. PLEASE. I mean it. But it gave me an idea for a book I want to write, more on that later. You've got to say.. the poster is fantastic. It's creepy and spooky, and fit really well. Good commentary on the US military too. But that poster rules.

BBQ Fest starts Thursday, and I am beyond psyched. I really hope the weather is nice. Because I intend to party like its Mardi Gras.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Eraserhead reference

I love it.

lostie 4 lyfe

Man oh man. Lost last night was amazing. Definitely has the potential to be the best show ever! And nobody believes me. It was downright scary.

My sister moves back for the summer today! The projects and crafting will begin soon. We want to try our hand at screen printing, which, if successful, would be killer. I need to think up some interesting patterns and ideas.

We're real busy at work now, and it's almost difficult to make myself focus after so many weeks of NOTHING to do.

Monday, May 7, 2007

designer stylez

Yes--this is real. I drove by it a little while ago and almost had a wreck out of shock. And do not be fooled; it is MASSIVE! And... it scares the crap out of me. It's at World Overcomers church, by the way. I saw a good name for it online, "Lady Theocracy."

This weekend was cool, I missed Steely Dan at Music Fest, and Ween in New Orleans. Whatever. Except for the tequila hangover on Sunday, I can't complain! And I cooked a lot, which is kinda fun. My sister comes home on Thursday. I've been reading that comic for around 3 hours today. Productivity! I love it.

Following is a list of things that I find extremely sad:
abandoned shopping centers
defunct malls
run-down playgrounds
my abilities as a designer
the fact that i've been a college graduate for about a year now

Friday, May 4, 2007

a calling.

I am going to create a web comic through this. It may suck... perfectly likely. But in the meantime, check this out:


Tuesday, May 1, 2007

may day

I just found a GREAT tutorial on how to create elaborate vector illustrations!! I've been trying to figure that out, and above if my meager attempts and understanding the technique. I need to try working with something I've drawn by hand, I'm pretty excited.

I also found out today that May Day is an international day for workers, mostly in Communist countries. Who knew? I just keep thinking of the Elvis Perkins song. Last night I went out with Michael and his friends. I was feeling kinda weird and odd, for no apparent reason. I hate that. Today I emailed someone that my roommate met this weekend who works at a design company and may be looking for a freelancer. It's mostly a web design shop, but I want to give my illustration talents a chance with them to see if I could get a little work out of it. I really don't want to have work to do when I get home, but I also need to make a name for myself, which is not going so well. Also, a few bucks. Desperately. I hope I can dig up some decent stuff to send to him!

My dad found out today that he has shingles. It scares me.

Friday, April 27, 2007

just a little heat

My friend is interviewing for a teaching position, and he has to give a 5-minute lesson on any topic of his choice. Here are the highlights of our brainstorm:

"the finer musical numbers of David Cross"
"An Introduction to Astrophysics"
"how to smoke crack out of household objects"
"spotting cop prostitutes- a lesson in discretion"
"how to judge the quality of your cocaine purchase"
"So you're a transexual-- now what?" and the follow-up, "how to tuck your package while wearing a dress"
"drunk defensive driving- how to knock back a few and get behind the wheel without a worry"
"a child's love- how much is too much?"
"Productivity Under the Influence: How to Keep your cool while drunk at work"

And speaking of work... I wonder how much time in an office, as a whole, is ACTUALLY spent doing real work. I have no doubt it's only a few hours a day. Between AIM, the internet, possibly some gaming, etc, PerezHilton... not much. I like working, but I wish I got paid more. I know something like that has never been said before. But it is Friday, and tomorrow I'm getting my hair cut, which is kinda fun. What's even MORE fun is the party that Luke and Simon and Katie are having tomorrow. Always good. Hopefully the sun will be out, too, and i can get some of it. I swear to God I'll die waiting for the weekend, I cannot live in the present. And I still haven't seen this week's Lost. Damn.

I didn't do an Illustration Friday. I'm feeling kind of productive today though, so maybe I can make soem advances with other design stuff, since I've wasted away all week.

And, a cute picture from Natalie Dee.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

a brilliant mistake

darkness in the cave
i sit sleeping with eyes open
it is just wednesday.

A haiku from me to you. It's very rainy and gray today, and although my office is in the back without windows to begin with, I can still feel its effects! However, if the rain now means none this weekend, I'm pretty ok with that. I'd like to visit the porch again. There's news of a new planet that could be the closest equivalent to Earth. I hope to avoid seeing, illustrating, or reconstructing any giant plateaus in response.

Last night I got a little freelance job from Jennifer, which is pretty cool. It took me a little longer than I'd expected, but things like that usually do. My roommate came over to my parents' for dinner, which was great as always. I was again reminded later on in the night how awful I am at talking to people in crisis or who need advice, and I really want to change that. If anybody viewed this, I would ask for advice. :-)

In the meantime, here are some links of my favorite band, Of Montreal. Kevin Barnes is my hero.

and 2 great new (to me) comics:
questionablecontent.net & qwantz.com

Monday, April 23, 2007


This is Mikey the Roach. He accompanies all mail sent from me to my sister at his origin, New Orleans. He's not one for sweet talkin', bit of an attitude problem.

The sun was out all weekend and so was I. I cleaned up our little porch and sat out there a lot. Very nice. Today I may invest in a swimsuit. My bf and I went to the park and walked through the woods with his puppy on Saturday, I love happy dogs. We were together almost every hour this weekend, save the ones he was working. Sunday I finally joined him and my roommate and their friends at a church they like here; it was real modern and had.... Christian music. One of my least favorite products of the modern age. The preacher was an excellent speaker; anybody who can hold my attention for more than 20 minutes deserves a trophy. I mean it. But--I really disagreed with the message. A good challenge to my own faith, I guess. I feel like I'm spending a lot of time defending my own opinions these days, it's a little tiresome.

Which brings me to my idea for Illustration Friday this week... "polar." I think it could work. I really want to participate this week.

Friday, April 20, 2007

This is Texas Congressman Ron Paul. Now, I know I've sworn against voting for the most part.... but he may present a challenge to that statement. Yes, I DO realize that I'm an anarchist, and that he is a minarchist. BUT- for all of you out there waiting to tell me why it's so evil to refuse voting, and that we are SO priveleged to have that opportunity. It's just that I will not vote for someone who I think is only minorly within my interests. But if there is a candidate I've come across that I'm pretty much on track with, it's him. You should look him up. He's never voted in any way (that I've found yet; I'm still exploring) that crosses the libertarian philosophy. Way to go, man.

I didn't do an Illustration Friday submission this week. I meant to... but I didn't. Dang. But I feel like the creative drive is coming back to me lately, so maybe i can take advantage of it this weekend. I need some time in the sun and time off. Last weekend wore me out!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

oh man

So there are all these stories today regarding the release of the shooter's videos, where he talks about his plans to kill all those kids. And the news keeps bringing up a need for stricter gun control... while simultaneously mentioning that he bought his weapons legally! How the hell does stuff like that get published, blatant contradictions?! God knows I never want a gun...but obviously the laws didn't do shit (big shock there). It makes me furious.

I went to a new spinning class last night, I was dreading it all day, but it ended up being pretty great. I feel pretty crappy lately, my cold is not retreating. I hope this weekend is sunny and warm; my friend mentioned a big crawfish boil at Overton Park this weekend that could be fun. I want to sit on my porch and get some sun; I'm inside entirely too much these days.

I really need to get my projects in order; we have a lot of promotional item mockups to get done, and I want to get an entry together for the Ted Leo and the Rx for Threadless. Among other things.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Austin was fantastic. It was so great to see everybody again; if nothing else, a great big blowout. And I certainly blew out. I didn't sleep much before my flights, and then I ran around the city after I arrived. I visited the flagship Whole Foods, which is beautiful and kind of made me miss working there...almost. And then the rehearsal was fun, and the dinner was great! They had it at the UT Club under the Longhorns stadium, complete with Texas BBQ. And an open bar, which was pretty sweet. Then we went out together afterwards to bars on 6th street, which was a lot like Beale and Bourbon, but clean and more bars. I really liked one called the Red Eye (or something like that), it was a dive. We even got maced! Or someone did, and we all coughed our lungs out because of it.

The wedding itself was beautiful; you could just tell how happy they were! It was just so positive and everyone was so supportive you could feel it. I really hope I get to experience that one day! Then we went to the reception at the Austin Club, which is beautiful. I drank so much I don't understand how I didn't pass out right there. Then of course we all hung out again, and said our goodbyes. It was so sad to realize that we were all pretty much seeing each other for what is very likely the last time. I was so tired and hungover on the flights back, but so happy to be back with my boyfriend that I didn't care. It was a great trip, totally worth all the toruble and expense.

Today I'm back to surfin' the web. I found a Lost theories page that made me very excited. I feel so overwhelmed in things I want to dive into; I want to finish re-reading Atlas Shrugged, finish the Moon is a Harsh Mistress, read A Brief History of Time, my econ books I have, The Tempest... and then of course the daily news and LewRockwell. I'm drowning. That's only readable material, not even touching on all the design projects I want to get involved in!!!!

Yesterday was the VA Tech shooting. I'm so amazed by the entire thing, it's really shocking. I can't even say anything more than that; it's just crazy.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

RIP, Mr. Vonnegut

The show. was. amazing. I honestly had forgotten how much I love the Decemberists, and how amazing their show is! I would love to be a musician; it amazes me how many instruments they went through. They played July, July! and Shiny, and that made me happy. However--the encore cover of Big Star and the Mariner's Revenge Song was a high point in my life. Plus, I saw a lot of my old friends that I hadn't seen in awhile! Needless to say, I am very tired today and anxious about my trip.

Tomorrow I will be heading to the airport around 4....AM. Which is ok, I'm just so nervous about making a mistake or getting caught in between flights or something all alone. I do not want to be lost in Texas (or anywhere for that matter). I have a lot to do this evening! Plus, I missed Lost and South Park last night, so I have a date with the TV.

Is anybody else sick to death of apologies for politically incorrect statements? I saw recently responses and apologies from Imus and Roseanne about things they said last week. Not to say that it's ok to make racist or just plain ignorant statements (because obviously its not), but if you have a personal opinion about something, don't freaking apologize! Don't say it if you know you'll recant. Hollywood does not define my lifestyle or form my opinions, thank you very much.

Signing out.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Ween is playing in New Orleans! I found out last night and I kinda freaked out. A lot. I sincerely hope I can go--my friend in fandom might even have a ticket for me! That would be amazing, I've been waiting forever to see them. Now all I need is for QOTSA to come, and maybe Kings of Leon, and I am one happy girl.

Today we have a minibook of sale items to put together. I think most of it is already set up, but that should be good to work on all day. Tonight is the Decemberists show. I wasn't all the into going originally...but now I'm PSYCHED! It could be really fun. It was last time. There's an office potluck today for a guy here who's getting married. Should be good; I made cookies (as displayed above, minus the halo).

Does anybody know why my JPEGS look so washed out when I upload them online? It's kinda sad.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


My entry for this week's Illustration Friday. Hoo-rah. It's different from my usual look... get it??! look?!

Monday, April 9, 2007


wow this weekend was all about food and booze and food and excess. happy easter weekend, everyone! my ladies i work with are both out today, so i'm on my own! it hasn't been too bad, kinda makes me space out, like when you're in the car or the train and not getting out for awhile.

i've decided i'm going to start whoring myself out (in the design field). i would like some freelance jobs, and i'm not sure how to go about accomplishing that, considering i don't really know anybody. and i think going up to people with terrible stuff and saying, "hey, your logo blows" would likely not work. i went to a bar with michael the other night, and there was a cover band there. they had a bucket for tips... i think when that kind of thing comes up, i might start putting my biz card in there. even if i don't get paid much, the exposure could be beneficial. takin' it for the team... Team Me. yay capitalism. that's what i get for reading atlas shrugged again, a fierce drive towards personal achievement.

i figured out how to make WEVL (local volunteer radio) play on my laptop here, and it's just wonderful. i wish i had money to donate to them, they are very worthwhile. (WEVL.org). but i can't yet.

4 days until Austin... i can hardly wait! i'm so nervous about the flights...

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Illustration Friday. In accordance with our favorite office snack. Bon apetit!

whine, anyone?

i've had it with the woman next door. i realize that i do not have any patience, but her complaining is phenomenal.

i'm amazed at the incredible amount of time that i have been wasting lately. i have to admit, 9 hours at work with little to do can be slightly comfortable with a decent internet connection, but i could be using this time to further myself. at first i was reading the news and lewrockwell.com and keeping up with economics... and now it's that with some perezhilton thrown in. which does me no good. i really and truly don't care about celebrity gossip, i really don't, but it's there. and it takes time to sift through it all. what i need to do is work on my relationship with html, we need to chat and get a better understanding of one another.

i miss my boyfriend. like, a lot. he's been camping for a day and a half with a day and a half to go, and it's making me pretty sad. my sister's in town, which is fun, but we can't do much of anything during the week because i'm here.

i need to do my illustration friday image. i'm thinking about a pickle snapping, because that would go along with the theme of the week i think.

Monday, April 2, 2007

it's a new week, and there's still not really anything to do. all this free time is soon coming to an end, however, i'm feeling especially creative today, which is fun. did you know that illustrator has themed color palettes? as in beach, garden, etc. because i didn't. whether or not this is useful is yet to be determined. in the meantime, enjoy a tasty snack.

Friday, March 30, 2007


today is friday, which happens to be one of my favorite of the 7. i got paid from my new job finally, which is pretty great. we've been real silly today, partly because tomorrow is niki's birthday. curry took us out to lunch at this chinese buffet nearby, and since getting back at 1...it's been rough. thank god for AIM is what i'm saying. we also spent a good hour laughing about a "pirkol", because we've all decided that that particular pronunciation of "pickle" is hilarious. we proceeded to find other words that that worked on.

i wrote 5 o'clock a letter, letting it know how much i missed him, and how much i'd like to see him again. being friday and all, i'm pretty ready for a visit from 5. and lo and behold, he's coming up over the horizon, to save me!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

oh blog new world, with such people in it!

it's me. virginia. i just set this up about 20 minutes ago, and it's like a new toy. so many adjustments, so little time. seems like an excellent idea for a time killer at work. which, by the way, i am now an employee of for 3 whole weeks. i just started as a designer at Creative Co-Op, which is a home decor wholesaler. i will help with the catalog and other marketing projects, which is pretty exciting. it's my first full-time job, you know.

i want to use this blog to put up some artwork that i will work on eventually. i've been turned on to this by jennifer, who works with me and loves illustration.

here are some awesome websites i've just recently tuned into:

nataliedee.com (comics and stuff)
illustrationfriday.com (a weekly illustration entry site)
pbf.com (perry bible fellowship-- very, very funny. and messed up)

stay tuned.