Friday, April 27, 2007

just a little heat

My friend is interviewing for a teaching position, and he has to give a 5-minute lesson on any topic of his choice. Here are the highlights of our brainstorm:

"the finer musical numbers of David Cross"
"An Introduction to Astrophysics"
"how to smoke crack out of household objects"
"spotting cop prostitutes- a lesson in discretion"
"how to judge the quality of your cocaine purchase"
"So you're a transexual-- now what?" and the follow-up, "how to tuck your package while wearing a dress"
"drunk defensive driving- how to knock back a few and get behind the wheel without a worry"
"a child's love- how much is too much?"
"Productivity Under the Influence: How to Keep your cool while drunk at work"

And speaking of work... I wonder how much time in an office, as a whole, is ACTUALLY spent doing real work. I have no doubt it's only a few hours a day. Between AIM, the internet, possibly some gaming, etc, PerezHilton... not much. I like working, but I wish I got paid more. I know something like that has never been said before. But it is Friday, and tomorrow I'm getting my hair cut, which is kinda fun. What's even MORE fun is the party that Luke and Simon and Katie are having tomorrow. Always good. Hopefully the sun will be out, too, and i can get some of it. I swear to God I'll die waiting for the weekend, I cannot live in the present. And I still haven't seen this week's Lost. Damn.

I didn't do an Illustration Friday. I'm feeling kind of productive today though, so maybe I can make soem advances with other design stuff, since I've wasted away all week.

And, a cute picture from Natalie Dee.

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