Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Austin was fantastic. It was so great to see everybody again; if nothing else, a great big blowout. And I certainly blew out. I didn't sleep much before my flights, and then I ran around the city after I arrived. I visited the flagship Whole Foods, which is beautiful and kind of made me miss working there...almost. And then the rehearsal was fun, and the dinner was great! They had it at the UT Club under the Longhorns stadium, complete with Texas BBQ. And an open bar, which was pretty sweet. Then we went out together afterwards to bars on 6th street, which was a lot like Beale and Bourbon, but clean and more bars. I really liked one called the Red Eye (or something like that), it was a dive. We even got maced! Or someone did, and we all coughed our lungs out because of it.

The wedding itself was beautiful; you could just tell how happy they were! It was just so positive and everyone was so supportive you could feel it. I really hope I get to experience that one day! Then we went to the reception at the Austin Club, which is beautiful. I drank so much I don't understand how I didn't pass out right there. Then of course we all hung out again, and said our goodbyes. It was so sad to realize that we were all pretty much seeing each other for what is very likely the last time. I was so tired and hungover on the flights back, but so happy to be back with my boyfriend that I didn't care. It was a great trip, totally worth all the toruble and expense.

Today I'm back to surfin' the web. I found a Lost theories page that made me very excited. I feel so overwhelmed in things I want to dive into; I want to finish re-reading Atlas Shrugged, finish the Moon is a Harsh Mistress, read A Brief History of Time, my econ books I have, The Tempest... and then of course the daily news and LewRockwell. I'm drowning. That's only readable material, not even touching on all the design projects I want to get involved in!!!!

Yesterday was the VA Tech shooting. I'm so amazed by the entire thing, it's really shocking. I can't even say anything more than that; it's just crazy.

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