Friday, March 30, 2007


today is friday, which happens to be one of my favorite of the 7. i got paid from my new job finally, which is pretty great. we've been real silly today, partly because tomorrow is niki's birthday. curry took us out to lunch at this chinese buffet nearby, and since getting back at's been rough. thank god for AIM is what i'm saying. we also spent a good hour laughing about a "pirkol", because we've all decided that that particular pronunciation of "pickle" is hilarious. we proceeded to find other words that that worked on.

i wrote 5 o'clock a letter, letting it know how much i missed him, and how much i'd like to see him again. being friday and all, i'm pretty ready for a visit from 5. and lo and behold, he's coming up over the horizon, to save me!

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