Friday, June 22, 2007


SO this couple in New Hampshire (I'm pretty sure) has decided that they refuse to pay taxes. They're refusing to leave their house and are being monitored (aka under the gun) by the Feds for a little bit now, and surviving off of food brought by friends. The entire news story on CNN protrayed them as disruptive crazy people who are hiding because they're too stupid to just suck it up and pay their taxes. Neighbors commented on them rudely, and all because these people have decided that they don't WANT to give away the money they've earned to a bunch of bullshit. It makes me so angry, the words "ranting" and "irrational" kept coming into use. Now, it DOES seem like some of the other topics of discussion were a little...weird. But damn I'm with them on the taxes. The Feds also got praise for handling the situation so well, as in NOT killing the people. A total propaganda piece.

I feel pathetic because my wrist and shoulder are getting so messed up from using a mouse. My wrist feels really weak. Hmmmm. I'm so psyched its the weekend though. Looong week.

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