Tuesday, August 7, 2007


This must be what the inside of my mind looks like at 4pm when I'm desperately ready to leave work. I would've expected much duller colors. Kinda looks like a planet or a Tide ad.
Driving home last night, I got a desperate call from my sister telling me to go to the FedEx forum RIGHT NOW--they were giving away the last pair of tickets to Justin Timberlake. I made it home, skipped the gym, and after a long argument involving my sister dad AND mom made it down there. They did the drawing, picked no less than 4 entries (you had to be there at 7 to accept if you won). All H names; my sister was freaking out. We didn't win, but we stayed home and watched Grandma's Boy and drank lemonade cocktails. By no means a dissappointing night!

And TONIGHT is Queens of the Stone Age. Way psyched. I'm feeling pretty good at work today, so I really hope that this translates into an exploration day into new design tools and tricks.

THIS is infuriating. http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/08/07/terrorist.surveillance.ap/index.html?iref=mpstoryview

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