Monday, June 18, 2007

good lord

Well last week was an eventful that I got in the biggest fight of my life with my roommate. I think stress on both of us and just general tension came out in a particularly hurtful and ugly way. It makes me sick as hell and feeling physically dirty. HOWEVER, I think it's ok now. Ugly and hurtful, but smoothed out a little at least.

Work's been odd; lots to do and an enormous amount of disorganization. It makes me want to be a control freak and get everything in order. A lot of jobs for a lot of people, and none of them realize they're not the only one. Oh well, that's being on the bottom of the company I guess. Not forever though.

A week from now I'll be 23. Wahoo! If only I'd known how much fun being poor, bored, and stressed. But--it's been a pretty happy year. I'm with the one I love, and he loves me, and everyone's been pretty healthy, and I've made big steps for my career (and MAJOR steps back for my social life). Rachel and I tried to eat cherry bombs at the Deli (maraschino cherries in everclear) Saturday night, and realized that we've gotten older and less party-girl. Damn. Ooh, and Rogue Wave is on the radio... sweet.

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