Thursday, April 12, 2007

RIP, Mr. Vonnegut

The show. was. amazing. I honestly had forgotten how much I love the Decemberists, and how amazing their show is! I would love to be a musician; it amazes me how many instruments they went through. They played July, July! and Shiny, and that made me happy. However--the encore cover of Big Star and the Mariner's Revenge Song was a high point in my life. Plus, I saw a lot of my old friends that I hadn't seen in awhile! Needless to say, I am very tired today and anxious about my trip.

Tomorrow I will be heading to the airport around 4....AM. Which is ok, I'm just so nervous about making a mistake or getting caught in between flights or something all alone. I do not want to be lost in Texas (or anywhere for that matter). I have a lot to do this evening! Plus, I missed Lost and South Park last night, so I have a date with the TV.

Is anybody else sick to death of apologies for politically incorrect statements? I saw recently responses and apologies from Imus and Roseanne about things they said last week. Not to say that it's ok to make racist or just plain ignorant statements (because obviously its not), but if you have a personal opinion about something, don't freaking apologize! Don't say it if you know you'll recant. Hollywood does not define my lifestyle or form my opinions, thank you very much.

Signing out.

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