Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Happy Birthday to me!

Yesterday I turned 23! And it was a great birthday. I went to work, as usual. I hadn't told anybody really, I didn't want to be obnoxious. However, my friends at work must've remembered because they brought me cupcakes complete with candles! Then I went home and took my boyfriend and roommate over to my parents house where we stuffed ourselves to death. Then back to my house for a rousing game of Scrabble and Monopoly, in reverse order. I'm so terrible at board games, I'm more interested in changing the music... WHICH was my bf's contirbution; a copy of every cd he has!! I told him not to get me anything, and that was so thoughtful and awesome. Now I have all the White Stripes! And Abita from my gracious roommate. It's been a good year-- tough-- but good. This birthday was very different from any other one, in that I am employed full time, have a boyfriend, and on good terms with everyone. And I will be attending 311 next month, courtesy of my sister!

Friday, June 22, 2007


SO this couple in New Hampshire (I'm pretty sure) has decided that they refuse to pay taxes. They're refusing to leave their house and are being monitored (aka under the gun) by the Feds for a little bit now, and surviving off of food brought by friends. The entire news story on CNN protrayed them as disruptive crazy people who are hiding because they're too stupid to just suck it up and pay their taxes. Neighbors commented on them rudely, and all because these people have decided that they don't WANT to give away the money they've earned to a bunch of bullshit. It makes me so angry, the words "ranting" and "irrational" kept coming into use. Now, it DOES seem like some of the other topics of discussion were a little...weird. But damn I'm with them on the taxes. The Feds also got praise for handling the situation so well, as in NOT killing the people. A total propaganda piece.

I feel pathetic because my wrist and shoulder are getting so messed up from using a mouse. My wrist feels really weak. Hmmmm. I'm so psyched its the weekend though. Looong week.

Monday, June 18, 2007

good lord

Well last week was an eventful that I got in the biggest fight of my life with my roommate. I think stress on both of us and just general tension came out in a particularly hurtful and ugly way. It makes me sick as hell and feeling physically dirty. HOWEVER, I think it's ok now. Ugly and hurtful, but smoothed out a little at least.

Work's been odd; lots to do and an enormous amount of disorganization. It makes me want to be a control freak and get everything in order. A lot of jobs for a lot of people, and none of them realize they're not the only one. Oh well, that's being on the bottom of the company I guess. Not forever though.

A week from now I'll be 23. Wahoo! If only I'd known how much fun being poor, bored, and stressed. But--it's been a pretty happy year. I'm with the one I love, and he loves me, and everyone's been pretty healthy, and I've made big steps for my career (and MAJOR steps back for my social life). Rachel and I tried to eat cherry bombs at the Deli (maraschino cherries in everclear) Saturday night, and realized that we've gotten older and less party-girl. Damn. Ooh, and Rogue Wave is on the radio... sweet.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

sister's birthday

Yep, she's 19. Justin sends his best wishes, in reference to his classic hit, "Damn Girl." I gave her a pretty sweet watch. Work is work, it hasn't let up much. I like being busy, it's the disorganization and time wasting that drive me nuts. I can't stand wasting time!! There's not enough of it to begin with!

Friday, June 8, 2007

long time gone

Yeah, it's been awhile. Not like it matters, but as predicted, the catalog took over for quite some time. AND--everything that could've gone wrong pretty much did. I mean it. And all the nights spent working at home (sans overtime pay) pretty much ended up being worthless. But I can't dwell on that, can't do anything about it now! When that thing is handed to us, I'll be so happy. And then I'll shelve it and probably never look at it again.

Not sure if anything is going on this weekend, other than Michael & my's canoe trip on Memorial Day and Hayley & Adam's wedding, nothing much has happened. Now that Hope's back, some plans can be made sortof. Free time is good.